Business due diligence has become a critical focus on the global stage. With emerging regulations (particularly from Europe), evolving market demands, and increasing sustainability expectations, Latin America and the Caribbean face the challenge of aligning with these international standards. However, to navigate this landscape effectively, it is crucial to generate accurate data that reflects the realities of businesses in the region.
Due diligence is understood as the process businesses use to identify, prevent, and address actual or potential negative impacts from their activities or supply chains, integrating it into decision-making and risk management. Due diligence addresses actual adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts (risks) related to human rights, including workers’ rights and industrial relations, the environment, bribery and corruption, disclosure, and consumer interests.
Through the 2025 Business Survey on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC), we aim to gather data on what drives companies to adopt due diligence, its effectiveness, challenges and benefits. We invite you to join this effort by participating in the survey, a key initiative under the RBCLAC Project to advance due diligence in the region.