DNT is one of those hazards which happen early in the development of the human brain and manifest in the early years or later in life through either loss of cognitive function or sensory and motor deficits. Screening of chemicals for potential developmental neurotoxicity involves multiple targets and complex biological processes. The current regulatory testing paradigm is based on triggered OECD guideline in-vivo studies following prenatal and/or postnatal exposure. However, due to its complexity, cost, and resource limitations, the need for development of NAMs (New Approach Methodologies) has been emphasised by regulatory agencies and stakeholders.
The objective of this workshop is to address particular challenges highlighted in regulatory case studies to identify specific questions or items that need to be addressed in a short-medium timeline for regulatory implementation. The desired outcome of this workshop is to drive toward a more efficient regulatory process by implementing non-animal testing methods for developmental neurotoxicity risk assessment of chemicals and pesticides in particular.