Despite some improvements in the labour market indicators over the past years and significant efforts by authorities to support vulnerable groups, gaps in labour market prospects across different socio-economic groups persist in Belgium, Greece and Spain. The beneficiaries of Minimum Income Schemes (MIS) tend to face particularly severe obstacles in their pathways to labour market integration. Digital solutions can help MIS beneficiaries better identify matching employment opportunities and find good jobs. The use of AI can further improve this matching process by better aligning jobseekers’ skills and employer needs.
Using AI to improve job matching tools for minimum income scheme beneficiaries
The OECD in cooperation with the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission (DG-REFORM) is supporting the EU Member States of Belgium, Greece, and Spain to strengthen their capacity to develop digital solutions aiming to enhance the matching of Minimum Income Scheme beneficiaries with labour demand. The action is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).