On Monday 9 December 2024, the OECD Development Centre, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) and the European Commission will release their joint report Latin American Economic Outlook 2024. The report entitled “Financing Sustainable Development” looks at alternative sources of financing for the region in a context of tight fiscal space.
The report will be launched on the occasion of the 9th High-level Meeting of the OECD Development Centre's Governing Board. The event will take place in person and online, with English-Spanish-French interpretation.
Participants in the launch include:
- Mathias Cormann, Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Santiago Peña Palacios, President of the Republic of Paraguay
- Félix Ulloa, Vice-president of El Salvador
- Gustavo Adrianzén, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru
- José Manuel Albares, Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
- Manuel Tovar, Minister of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica
This report is embargoed until Monday, 9 December, 15:00 CET.
The authors will hold a media webinar in Spanish at 17:30 CET. Register here.
To request an advance copy, please email embargo@oecd.org.
To request an interview or register for the webinar, please contact Bochra Kriout (Tel: + 33 1 45 24 82 96) in Paris and Adriana Montejano (Tel: +52 55 91 38 62 32) at the OECD Mexico Centre.
Journalists requesting an electronic version in advance of the release time agree to respect OECD embargo conditions. Important: the rules of the OECD embargo prohibit any radio or television broadcast, or online publication from sharing any information from the study before the end of the embargo period. The media that have been provided embargoed OECD material are informed that if there is a breach of the OECD’s rules, they will automatically be excluded from receiving any future embargoed OECD information.
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