Communities, perspectives and ideas

Discover OECD networks
The Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia is a regional outreach programme of the OECD Working Group on Bribery, established in 1998. It supports member countries in their efforts to prevent and combat corruption, through country reviews, practitioners’ networks and country-specific technical assistance.Learn more
The annual Arab Competition Forum, a joint initiative by the OECD, UN-ESCWA and UNCTAD, provides a platform for knowledge-sharing on competition policy and enforcement for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region bringing together high-level competition officials, policymakers, regulators, and the broader competition community.Learn more
Best Practices for Parliaments in BudgetingLearn more
Established in 1962, Business at OECD (BIAC) is the officially recognised institutional business stakeholder at the OECD. It stands for policies that enable businesses of all sizes and sectors to contribute to economic growth, sustainable development, and societal prosperity. Through Business at OECD, national business and employers’ federations representing over 10 million companies provide perspectives to cutting-edge OECD policy debates that shape market-based economies and impact global governance. Business at OECD’s expertise is enriched by the contributions of a wide range of international sector organisations.Learn more
The Carbon Market Platform (CMP), launched in 2015 under Germany's G7 presidency, brings together a diverse group of countries and organisations with the aim of strengthening international co-operation on developing effective, sustainable and ambitious carbon pricing approaches.Learn more
At the OECD, we believe that engaging with civil society helps improve our policy recommendations and our impact on society. Governments and policymakers are accountable to a wide array of policy shapers. With its subject-matter expertise and field experience, civil society brings vital knowledge to help advance policy change. As public participation, civic engagement, activism and mobilisation evolve, we aim to provide spaces for dialogue, and avenues for civil society contributions.Learn more
The Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) works to enhance understanding of specific topics relevant to the UN climate change negotiations and for implementing the Paris Agreement. Established in 1993, CCXG activities are jointly supported by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).Learn more
The Asia Corporate Governance programme aims to advance the reform agenda on corporate governance in the region while promoting awareness and use of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.Learn more
The Latin America Corporate Governance programme aims to advance the reform agenda on corporate governance in the region while promoting awareness and use of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.Learn more
The OECD-Asia Network aims to advance the reform agenda on state-owned enterprise governance in the region while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises and the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises.Learn more
The Community of Practice (CoP) on Civil Society of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) helps its members engage effectively with civil society organisations and protect civic space in partner countries.Learn more
The Community of Practice on Private Finance for Sustainable Development (CoP-P4FSD) of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) aims to advance the mobilisation of private finance for sustainable development.Learn more
Evaluation helps us understand what works, what doesn’t, for whom and why – generating critical evidence to maximise progress towards sustainable development for all. The DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) strengthens evaluation systems and capacities; improves the quality and usefulness of evaluations; and helps get robust evidence into the hands of the decision makers who need it.Learn more
The Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (Environet) of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) aims to make sure development co-operation supports the protection of the environment, adaptation to climate change, and emissions reduction. When successful, these efforts can lead to better development outcomes and living conditions, and more sustainable economic growth.Learn more
The Network on Gender Equality (Gendernet) of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) aims to improve policies and practices in development co-operation and humanitarian assistance to strengthen gender equality and to secure all women’s and girls’ rights.Learn more
The Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT) assists the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in maintaining and improving the quality and user friendliness of its statistics on development co-operation and other resource flows to developing countries.Learn more
Many understand development as poorer countries “catching up” with richer countries. However, development is more complex than getting from a to b. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) signal that development has multiple economic, social and environmental dimensions, beyond income. Development in Transition (DiT) seeks to build the machinery of new international co-operation – driven by updated multilateralism – fit for the purpose of promoting sustainable development for all.Learn more
EMnet is the OECD Development Centre’s business-led platform for dialogue and analysis of policy challenges, economic trends and business opportunities in emerging markets. It brings together high-level public officials, senior executives from multinational corporations and OECD experts.Learn more
The Farm-Level Analysis Network (FLAN) is an OECD collaborative network of experts from government-related institutions, and other agricultural economics research institutes involved in the collection or analysis of micro-level data and interested in collaboration. Membership is voluntary and a representative coverage of OECD countries is sought. The OECD acts as convenor and contact between network members and delegates to OECD meetings.Learn more
The Food-Chain Analysis Network (FCAN) is an OECD expert group specialised in food systems analysis. In recent years, the FCAN has contributed to OECD work on issues related to environmental sustainability (measurement and communication of the environmental impacts of food products) and food security and nutrition (simplified nutrition labelling policies, food insecurity in OECD countries) and cross-cutting issues (food loss and waste).Learn more
For over 40 years, the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC/OECD) has been crucial in leading the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA).Learn more
Pioneering annual event that convenes leading actors across the green finance community to help catalyse and support the transition to a green, low-emissions and climate-resilient global economy.Learn more
The Galvanizing the Private Sector (GPS) programme is a public-private co-operation initiative that seeks to mobilise the private sector as key contributors in the fight against corruption and as promoters of a rules-based international business climate.Learn more
Fostering international co-operation with practitioners from jurisdictions around the globe is a key pillar of OECD work to successfully investigate, prosecute and sanction transnational corruption cases.Learn more
Bringing together high-level competition officials worldwide since 2001 to discuss key topics on the global competition agenda.Learn more
The OECD Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity is an international multilateral setting for all stakeholder communities of experts to dialogue, share experiences and influence public policy making on digital security.Learn more
The OECD Global Forum on Technology is a venue for regular in-depth dialogue to foresee and get ahead of long-term opportunities and risks presented by technology. It facilitates inclusive, multi-stakeholder and values-based discussions on specific technology policy topics, responding to gaps in existing fora.Learn more
The Global Parliamentary Network brings together national, subnational and supranational legislators to support multi-level collaboration and dialogue.Learn more
The Global Science Forum (GSF) supports countries to improve their science policies and share in the benefits of international collaboration.Learn more
Platform to support a transition towards net-zero and green economy in the region of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA).Learn more
The annual OECD Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum (GGSD Forum) is a conference open to a wide range of stakeholders and experts. It aims to provide a space for multi-disciplinary dialogue on green growth and sustainable development, identify remaining knowledge gaps and promote new initiatives to effectively address them. Each year, it focuses on a different cross-cutting issue related to sustainable development and green growth.Learn more
The OECD Green Talks LIVE webinar series allows participants from all over the world to engage and interact with world-leading experts from the OECD and beyond on all things environment.Learn more
The OECD Regional Development Policy Committee (RDPC) is at the forefront of designing and implementing impactful place-based policies aimed at enhancing living standards and well-being for citizens in regions, cities, and rural areas globally.Learn more
The International Network on Financial Education (INFE) supports policy makers and public authorities to design and implement national strategies for financial education and individual financial education programmes, while also proposing innovative methods for enhancing financial literacy among the populations of partner countries.Learn more
We empower policymakers and representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean through capacity building, cultivating connections that evolve into a global community of practice. This community actively shares and fortifies local development initiatives.Learn more
The OECD Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) Network is a platform designed to bring together investment promotion practitioners, fostering a collaborative environment for peer learning and addressing shared challenges under the auspices of the OECD.Learn more
The Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum foster effective competition law and policy in Latin America and the Caribbean through the promotion of dialogue, consensus building and networking among policy makers and enforcers.Learn more
The OECD Local Development Forum is a community of thousands of policy makers and practitioners around the world. In addition to fostering peer learning and exchange, it serves as a two-way street between the OECD and local communities. It not only brings the latest OECD research and analysis beyond ministries to main streets, but also ensures local voices and innovations inform our work.Learn more
National Contact Points (NCPs) for Responsible Business Conduct are national agencies tasked with supporting all actors – companies, governments and stakeholders – in implementing responsible business conduct.Learn more
Regulators are key actors to ensure citizens and businesses have access to essential services such as communications, energy, transport and water. They perform important functions including setting prices, promoting competition and enforcing standards, all with the goal of building well-functioning sectors. They work to make services more affordable, accessible, sustainable and of high quality. Regulators bring predictability and build confidence through objective decision making based on evidence. As such, they support sectors to develop and deliver for society.Learn more
The network of foundations working for development (netFWD) brings together philanthropic leaders in the development sphere. The tight-knit network connects foundations with OECD experts, policymakers and key stakeholders in the multilateral system to share evidence and strategic insights, explore promising novel approaches, and engage in coalitions and partnerships.Learn more
The Network of Professionals in Infrastructure Delivery is the OECD’s platform for engaging public agencies and State-Owned Enterprises involved in infrastructure planning, procurement, and asset management. The Network supports evidence-based policy decisions and highlights challenges for high-level policymakers.Learn more
Centres of government are the support structure serving the highest level of the executive branch of government (presidents, prime ministers and their equivalents). The centre of government helps the head of government and ministers make good decisions by ensuring they receive evidence-informed, co-ordinated and coherent advice. They also co-ordinate the various players in the policy process, and to help ensure the quality and capability of the policy system.Learn more
The Network on Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and the Environment (TFPN) is an OECD expert group sharing experiences and best practices for cross-country agricultural total factor productivity comparisons and for the measurement of sustainable productivity growth in agriculture. The ambition of the network is to find ways to jointly measure environmental sustainability and agricultural productivity by developing appropriate and scientifically sound indexes that measure countries’ agricultural sector performance.Learn more
The Advisory Group provides a flexible platform for officials from developed and developing countries to exchange views and promote dialogue on tax matters, with a view to fostering developing countries' contributions to the work of the OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs (CFA), including in its Inclusive Framework format.Learn more
The OECD Competition Open Day offers every year a unique opportunity to discuss cutting-edge topics recently addressed by the OECD Competition Committee.Learn more
Building trust. Mobilising action. Changing behaviours. These goals are central for any organisation working to promote sustainable development worldwide. The OECD Development Communication Network (DevCom) helps organisations promote engagement around sustainable development and international co-operation. And it supports their efforts to build trust and legitimacy with citizens and stakeholders in the countries where they operate.Learn more
The OECD Digital for SMEs Global Initiative (D4SME) is a global collaborative knowledge platform encompassing both public and private sectors, with the aim of supporting SMEs in going digital.Learn more
Meetings of the Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) at Ministerial Level represent a vital opportunity for ministers to drive action on environment and climate issues in this context, and provide direction on the future course for the OECD’s work on these topics.Learn more
The OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), created in 2002, brings together tax commissioners and tax administration officials from over 50 OECD and non-OECD economies. The FTA is a forum through which tax administrators share knowledge, undertake research and develop new ideas to enhance tax administration around the world.Learn more
The OECD Global Forum on Public Debt Management is a roundtable meeting for public debt managers from the OECD area (as well as regulators, central bankers, other financial policy makers and, on occasion, private sector participants) to meet with their counterparts from non-OECD countries.Learn more
The OECD Government Foresight Community (GFC) brings together public sector strategic foresight practitioners and leads to exchange information and content on the latest foresight developments in government for better policy making. The GFC has three major series of events throughout the year – an annual in-person GFC meeting in October on methodological and thematic issues, an annual virtual GFC Day in April for community exchanges, and regular virtual GFC masterclass seminar series with leading experts in the field of strategic foresight.Learn more
Promoting information integrity is a key pillar of the OECD Reinforcing Democracy Initiative. In 2022, as part of this effort, OECD member countries established the Hub on Information Integrity to facilitate the analysis of public governance measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the integrity of a rapidly evolving information space. The Hub functions as a peer-learning platform, enabling countries to exchange data and best practices. It equips countries with the knowledge and resources necessary to address global information challenges, including foreign information manipulation and interference.Learn more
Over the last decades, the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region has focused on strengthening public integrity as a response to corruption. LAC countries increasingly recognise the need to move away from an approach to anti-corruption that focuses on detection and sanctioning cases to a more proactive approach that seeks to address underlying systemic issues that are allowing corruption to happen. More and more countries in the region are developing comprehensive integrity and anti-corruption strategies that involve a wide variety of relevant public actors, but also the private sector, civil society and citizens.Learn more
Good communications can be a powerful tool in support of migrant integration. This site brings together articles and good practice examples from the OECD Network of Communication Officers on Migration, complemented by OECD resources.Learn more
The OECD Network of Schools of Government (NSG) is a world-wide network of the institutes responsible for the education and development of civil servants, with a particular emphasis on training leaders and decisions makers, endowing administrations with the capacity necessary to implement transformation and reform. The NSG is rapidly expanding, with over one hundred and fifty member institutes from every region of the world.Learn more
The OECD World Forums on Well-being provide a space for leaders, experts and practitioners from governments, civil society and the private sector to share experiences and engage on building evidence and know-how to put people’s well-being at the heart of measurement, policy and practice.Learn more
The PIC promotes transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in IPSASB's processes.Learn more
The OECD works with selected regions and countries to facilitate the reform of water policies through a series of Regional and National Policy Dialogues.Learn more
The OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Asia-Pacific fosters effective competition and co-operation through technical capacity-building activities to competition officials, regulators and judges from around 26 competition agencies in the region.Learn more
The OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Eastern Europe and Central Asia fosters effective competition and co-operation through technical capacity-building activities to competition officials, regulators and judges from around 17 competition agencies in the region.Learn more
The OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean fosters effective competition and co-operation through technical capacity-building activities to competition officials, regulators and judges from around 25 countries in the region.Learn more
The Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO) is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the OECD, partly funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. It aims to be the premier source for reliable data and information on careers in research and innovation (R&I). The project's goal is to create a dynamic information hub that tracks and analyses trends in R&I talent, career paths, and mobility in OECD and EU countries, as well as other economies.Learn more
The Roundtable on Financing Water is a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Water Council, the Netherlands and the World Bank. It draws upon political leadership and technical expertise, with the ambition of facilitating increased financing of investments that contribute to water security and sustainable growth.Learn more
The Round Table on Sustainable Development brings ministers and high-level governmental officials together with business leaders, senior-level representatives of intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations and academic experts to help tackle complicated sustainability questions that defy negotiated solutions at the global level.Learn more
The OECD’s Semiconductor Informal Exchange Network brings together senior government officials to exchange on semiconductor market data and policy information with a view to develop semiconductor policies and enhance resilience of semiconductor value chains through international collaboration.Learn more
A forum for policy makers and evaluators to exchange on the results of reliable SME and entrepreneurship policy evaluations and the implications for policy.Learn more
The OECD Space Forum is an international platform that brings together stakeholders from the global space community and beyond to exchange on economic issues concerning space activities. The Space Forum aims to improve measurement of the space economy and its broader impacts and provides an ideal setting for research and discussions on the space economy.Learn more
We provide capacity building for policy makers and representatives of cultural and creative sectors (CCS). At the end of the course, participants acquire a deeper understanding of the sector's needs and dynamics.Learn more
The Corporate Advisory Network (IPP-C) aims to gather representatives of companies from a number of different areas across the infrastructure delivery (i.e. design and construction) and associated areas (e.g. IT/Infratech, risk management, programme management) in view of gathering the private sector’s insights to inform the work of the OECD Senior Infrastructure and PPP Officials Network (SIP). It offers a platform for engagement of the private sector on infrastructure delivery issues and related subjects.Learn more
The Network on Governance (GovNet) of the Development Assistance Committee’s (DAC) and its subsidiary the Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT) aim to improve governance policies and practices in development co-operation, so as to support the attainment of more open, inclusive and democratic societies.Learn more
The OECD Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030 is an international multi-stakeholders’ platform for educational stakeholder communities active in the area of curriculum design and implementation.Learn more
The International Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF) brings together OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members working in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, and the key multilateral agencies that support them.Learn more
Health expenditure and needs continue to grow, while governments face increasing pressure to reduce deficits. Governments must ensure spending on health is both high-performing and fiscally sustainable. This requires an effective dialogue between government agencies responsible for health and Ministries of Finance.Learn more
The Tokyo Roundtable on Capital Market and Financial Reform in Asia is an annual event that brings together policy makers, regulators, financial experts, and industry leaders from across Asia to discuss key issues related to capital market development and financial sector reforms.Learn more
Bringing the voice of trade unions to the OECD: The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) is an international trade union body with consultative status at the OECD. Its mission is to ensure that policy and actions meet the needs of working people and foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.Learn more